Hey guys im really sorry about not Blogging in a while so I made a Vlog :) (kinda new thing i would like to start) anyways I am putting a link and I hope you guys have the time to watch it:)
Please let me know if you would like me to make another one and about what since this was my first one and I had no idea what to talk about... you can write a comment of the things you would like to know and all that :)
Some exciting news is starting next wednesday I will be starting my Euro- Tour, which means i will be traveling Europe with all the other exchange students here in Austria and ones from Croatia. I will be keeping a Vlog on Euro Tour and I will Vlog constantly :)
I promise to post pictures all the time with captions and all that jazz.. Please ask me questions about things you guys would like to know :)
Thanks Love Always,
Catalina Carrion-Kozak
http://www.youtube.com/user/CatalinaCK (vlog)
Catalina's Adventures Abroad
About Me
- catalinatruszkowska
- My name is Catalina Carrion-Kozak, I have chosen to start this blog to share my story, my journey, and my future goals with you all. I hope you guys enjoy!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
es tut mir leid!
Es tut mir Leid (i am so sorry in german)
I have not blogged for a while because well for 2 months to be exact.. The reason, long story short, my computer crashed and for a while did not have the time to sit and share my thoughts and blog. Today I made it a BIG point on my "list of things to do", to write on my blog.
Anyways.. so since I last wrote:
- I was able to see the other exchange students here in Austria again! We had a "christmas and goodbye to the oldies (the exchange students who had already been here for a year and were getting ready to leave) gathering" it was fun but in the end I was sad to say goodbye to people who made impacts on my life. I hope that I will be able to see these people again
-I had Christmas and New Years here in Austria..:
It was my first time away from home for christmas and New years.. It was hard but I had a great time here..
-I said goodbye to one of my best friends Sarah Berger as she went to study 6 months in France. I was so sad to say goodbye to think that I might not be able to see her again. It gave me a little taste of what it will be like to say goodbye to all the people I began to love here. Luckily for me and for her that she will be here in 3 days for 2 weeks!!!!!!!! and then she has to go back :( but I am so happy that I will get to see her again before I leave Austria.
- I went to my first Matura Ball (it is like a prom) with my Best friend Stephanie. I was told, before i went, that a Matura Ball is like a prom. And it is NOTHING like an American prom. At the Matura there was parents and kids of all ages for the first part, which was a show put on by the Matura classes (the kids who are graduating), there was girls dressed in really (i mean REALLY) fancy dresses and then there was girls dressed in not so fancy dresses. The second part of the night was "the disco". It was another room in the same building. It had a DJ which was playing good music, there was a bar (which would never be there in American proms. I enjoyed the Matura Ball a lot but when someone says that you are going to a "prom" in Austria just remember that Austrian proms are COMPLETELY different from American ones. haha
- I recently stumbled upon a great opportunity to participate in a musical company. My friend Clara, from my class, told me about the musical they will put on and invited me to one of the practices. I went and had a great time. They dance, they sing and they act. The director of the program pulled me aside after the practice and asked me to help choreograph for the "cheerleading" group in the musical. I was so shocked, happy and proud that I had been asked such a outstanding opportunity. So I told him of course. Things are going well but kinda stressing out for the deadline.
-Another thing that I have been and still am able to accomplish is getting super duper fat! woohoo... oppose to in the U.S. when I stress myself to not eat so much and constantly work out, here I eat and eat and eat because I stress so much that it makes me hungry.... and makes me snack a lot. In the United States we are all used to getting our bread (mostly white) from our super markets and in plastic bags. Here in Austria on the other hand they get their varieties of daily, fresh baked bread from Bakeries. The meals vary depending on the families you live in. In some families they have a small breakfast, a big lunch (containing the meal, with some type of salad or vegetable on the side, and a dessert. Some families have a small dinner or called "Jause" here, contain of cold cuts, cheese, some vegetables and bread. In the family I live in we have a fairly big breakfast containing: bread, marmalades, honey, and yoghurt. For lunch I come home to the babysitter who makes a big lunch with usually potatoes, meat, and vegetables. For dinner, we usually have a big dinner as a family and it varies every night. All in all the food here is very good and very filling.
- School is Okay, I feel like people don't take me seriously when it comes to school. I try very hard to understand the things the teachers are talking about but since there are specific topics in german that they are taking about its like impossible for me to keep up with the class. It seems to help out that I write almost everything the teacher writes on the board in my notebook. I not only learn new words but also learn how the german language flows together. I seem to speak more english in the environments that I feel more comfortable and in the places where I am nervous and new to I speak more german. For example: at school and at home I speak a lot of english and when I am out with friends and when I am alone at a bank or looking for something in a store or need ask for directions I speak a butt load of german that I never knew I could speak. Since everyone around me wanted to learn english and became used to speaking english and me speaking english.
I have not blogged for a while because well for 2 months to be exact.. The reason, long story short, my computer crashed and for a while did not have the time to sit and share my thoughts and blog. Today I made it a BIG point on my "list of things to do", to write on my blog.
Anyways.. so since I last wrote:
- I was able to see the other exchange students here in Austria again! We had a "christmas and goodbye to the oldies (the exchange students who had already been here for a year and were getting ready to leave) gathering" it was fun but in the end I was sad to say goodbye to people who made impacts on my life. I hope that I will be able to see these people again
-I had Christmas and New Years here in Austria..:
It was my first time away from home for christmas and New years.. It was hard but I had a great time here..
-I said goodbye to one of my best friends Sarah Berger as she went to study 6 months in France. I was so sad to say goodbye to think that I might not be able to see her again. It gave me a little taste of what it will be like to say goodbye to all the people I began to love here. Luckily for me and for her that she will be here in 3 days for 2 weeks!!!!!!!! and then she has to go back :( but I am so happy that I will get to see her again before I leave Austria.
- I went to my first Matura Ball (it is like a prom) with my Best friend Stephanie. I was told, before i went, that a Matura Ball is like a prom. And it is NOTHING like an American prom. At the Matura there was parents and kids of all ages for the first part, which was a show put on by the Matura classes (the kids who are graduating), there was girls dressed in really (i mean REALLY) fancy dresses and then there was girls dressed in not so fancy dresses. The second part of the night was "the disco". It was another room in the same building. It had a DJ which was playing good music, there was a bar (which would never be there in American proms. I enjoyed the Matura Ball a lot but when someone says that you are going to a "prom" in Austria just remember that Austrian proms are COMPLETELY different from American ones. haha
- I recently stumbled upon a great opportunity to participate in a musical company. My friend Clara, from my class, told me about the musical they will put on and invited me to one of the practices. I went and had a great time. They dance, they sing and they act. The director of the program pulled me aside after the practice and asked me to help choreograph for the "cheerleading" group in the musical. I was so shocked, happy and proud that I had been asked such a outstanding opportunity. So I told him of course. Things are going well but kinda stressing out for the deadline.
-Another thing that I have been and still am able to accomplish is getting super duper fat! woohoo... oppose to in the U.S. when I stress myself to not eat so much and constantly work out, here I eat and eat and eat because I stress so much that it makes me hungry.... and makes me snack a lot. In the United States we are all used to getting our bread (mostly white) from our super markets and in plastic bags. Here in Austria on the other hand they get their varieties of daily, fresh baked bread from Bakeries. The meals vary depending on the families you live in. In some families they have a small breakfast, a big lunch (containing the meal, with some type of salad or vegetable on the side, and a dessert. Some families have a small dinner or called "Jause" here, contain of cold cuts, cheese, some vegetables and bread. In the family I live in we have a fairly big breakfast containing: bread, marmalades, honey, and yoghurt. For lunch I come home to the babysitter who makes a big lunch with usually potatoes, meat, and vegetables. For dinner, we usually have a big dinner as a family and it varies every night. All in all the food here is very good and very filling.
- School is Okay, I feel like people don't take me seriously when it comes to school. I try very hard to understand the things the teachers are talking about but since there are specific topics in german that they are taking about its like impossible for me to keep up with the class. It seems to help out that I write almost everything the teacher writes on the board in my notebook. I not only learn new words but also learn how the german language flows together. I seem to speak more english in the environments that I feel more comfortable and in the places where I am nervous and new to I speak more german. For example: at school and at home I speak a lot of english and when I am out with friends and when I am alone at a bank or looking for something in a store or need ask for directions I speak a butt load of german that I never knew I could speak. Since everyone around me wanted to learn english and became used to speaking english and me speaking english.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Advent Calender and Getting in winter spirit!!!
Today I got a chocolate in the box (from my Advent Calender tree from my Rotary Club) and an angel ornament from my host mom's Advent Calender. Everyday i get to open 2 "presents" from my Advent Calenders till Christmas! wooohooo!!!!! Everyday my host mom makes a different Christmas cookie. Yesterday it was Florentine something or other ha ha: pretty much melted sugar, pumpkin seeds and nuts and cooled to make a crispy, delightful, ADDICTING treat. I love love love that she makes cookies everyday but the bad thing is that her cookies are so good, they are irresistible! Which means that I eat a lot! My host mom got into the Christmas spirit a week ago so I have already heard many Christmas songs but I love how into Christmas she is. December 5th (Sunday) is when Nicholas and Krampus come.... Nicholas is like the Santa Claus and Krampus is the mean guy that if you are bad he wacks you upside the head. haha I have been hearing about this tradition and cant wait to see it Sunday. They come to see if they kids have been good or bad. All these traditions are so interesting, I love to learn new traditions!
My Advent Calender Tree:D |
Today is the December 1st!
You know what that means............ no??
Its the start of counting down till Christmas, the first presents i get to open.... chickka what???!!! yea that's right PRESENTS!!! haha well little ones
Here in Austria most of the kids get Advent Calenders: it is a special calendar which is used to count or celebrate the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas. I happen to have TWO!!!!! One from my host mom and one from my hosting Rotary club!

A few days ago it started to snow. Surprisingly I got very excited, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (even though it was FREEZING). I guess the sight of snow was a comforting thing. It reminds me of home. Living 2,500 meters something lower than where I used to live means not as much snow so the sight of snow is more than an amazing thing! I am ecstatic about Christmas! I cant wait to build a snow man. Even though I have been very homesick lately I feel like this snow or something has made me happier and looking on the bright side of things.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The unexplainable..
This is the Unexplainable..
One thing that I think all Exchange Students at some point get is... Home sick.
The weekend that I went to visit my friend Mel we had went to a friends house and ate dinner. At the dinner table, while Megan's (our friend) parents began to ask questions about my life, I began to get this feeling in my stomach. This feeling was indescribable. I felt sad and confused. I held back the tears until dinner was finished and then I politely asked to be excused. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and balled my eyes out!
Home sickness: takes over your body (i could not stop crying)
That was the first time I had actually got Home sick out of no where.
I love it here in Austria but being this far away from home and for this long has hit me now and I hate to say it but.... I am home sick!
Things I miss from home:
One thing that I think all Exchange Students at some point get is... Home sick.
The weekend that I went to visit my friend Mel we had went to a friends house and ate dinner. At the dinner table, while Megan's (our friend) parents began to ask questions about my life, I began to get this feeling in my stomach. This feeling was indescribable. I felt sad and confused. I held back the tears until dinner was finished and then I politely asked to be excused. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and balled my eyes out!
Home sickness: takes over your body (i could not stop crying)
That was the first time I had actually got Home sick out of no where.
I love it here in Austria but being this far away from home and for this long has hit me now and I hate to say it but.... I am home sick!
Things I miss from home:
- I miss my little brother
- Family hugs (not that I don't get them here) I get hugs from the family here all the time
- Arepas on Sundays
- Drives to Denver with mom
- Cheerleading
- My friends (Meghan, Aubrey, Morgan, Justin, Nick, cheer girls)
- High school games, dances, sports
- SNOW! (i never thought i would say it but i miss SNOW)
- I miss driving
- I miss a lot of the clothes i left back home
- I miss texting and calling friends
Its been a while...
Once again I apologize for not writing for so long!
This time its been way too long..
Since I last wrote:
- I turned 17!!!!!! it was my birthday the 13th of October! It was a very nice birthday!!!
- I spent time with friends here.
- Started basketball with my Best friend Lena
- met new friends
- Went to Vienna with the other exchange students. I had a blast sight seeing, meeting up with the other exchange students, sharing stories, and having night outings with them!
- I had more than a week off of school for Fall holidays.. It was nice to relax from school.
- I met family members from my host family
- Went to a Russkaja concert with my best guy friend Max and Host brother Florian
- took my first couple tests in school :(
- Went to a DJ Parade at the Pool Bar in Feldkirch ( an event with many Djs showing their skills)
- I took a train by myself for 6 hours (there and back) to Salzburg to go see another exchange student Mel.
- Stayed in Bad Gastein with Mel for the Weekend
- I have been studying studying studying! Alot of subjects in school and German for my test in December from Rotary (I'm freaking out by the way)
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DJ parade |
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hiking with the exchange students
The forgein exchange students.
Last Friday I was dreading the getting on a train for 5 hours to just hike up a mountain with other exchange students. To be honest I was not excited to have a hiking weekend. But I had the time of my life, Not only did I see my friends from Almünster (Language camp) but I also was able to meet "the oldies". The oldies consist of Australian's, Brazillians, Argentinians, New Zealanders, ect.... I was able to talk to them and ask them about their stay so far and what can I expect.
As we met in train stations and on trains people we crowded the trains like a stampeed of cows, speaking different languages, singing, talking, screaming, dancing, running up and down the train. Everyone knew we had to be forgeiners, everyone knew we are exchange students! At that time I was glad I came. We set on a long journey on the train to Tauplitz.
When we arrived at Bad Mitterndorf it was like the biggest family reunion I have ever seen. Everyone was hugginh and screaming as if it was the first time in 2 years that we have seen each other but in reality it had only been 2 weeks! After greeting each other we hopped on a huge bus and drove up this windy road. Many exchange students including me felt very sick going up this road. After a long windy ride we arrived to a cute Inn.
I was fortunate enough to room with 7 other girls (not including me). The other exchange students thought that, having that many girls in one room would be terrible. But actually it was nice, we had fun talking during the night, and not only did we just have the 8 girls but we also had other people to come and visit.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Schule :)
Today was my first day at Feldkirch Schule (Feldkirch school)
I had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, that was a challenge but I managed. Then Antonia and I barely made it to the bus. I got to school being the first one to arrive haha Later I found out it is better if I take a later bus so I do not have to be there so early:)
haha I got to school full of nerves and not knowing what to expect. The boys I knew so it was easy for me to get along with them but the girls were staring me down all day and I was determined that they did not like me. But of course later I found out that they are just very curious to know what my life is like in the US.
Man was today harder than I thought!!!! haha Fortunately I have my friends that I knew from before: Laurenz, Moritz, and Maxi to help me. Without the boys I think I would not be able to go to school. I have WAY more classes than I have ever had in my life!!! But I like that the classes are shorter and that I get out of school at 12 or 1:30 on most days.. My class is 6d! and thats the class to be!! haha I like my class. The kids in my class are all one year younger than me but it is because I am deffinetly not at my grade level here. All in all it was a great day!!!as soon as I walked through the door from school |
Towards the end of school I was tired and Hungry! It was hard to follow the lessons because the teachers talk way to fast! As soon as school was out I found Antonia and we went straight home to see Vincent and Ilse (our nanny) and ate!!!! I took a small nap with Vincent and then it was off to the store to by school supplies. Tomorrow hopefully will hold a whole bunch of energy and slower lessons:)
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