About Me

My name is Catalina Carrion-Kozak, I have chosen to start this blog to share my story, my journey, and my future goals with you all. I hope you guys enjoy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Schule :)

Today was my first day at Feldkirch Schule (Feldkirch school)
I had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, that was a challenge but I managed. Then Antonia and I barely made it to the bus. I got to school being the first one to arrive haha Later I found out it is better if I take a later bus so I do not have to be there so early:)

haha I got to school full of nerves and not knowing what to expect. The boys I knew so it was easy for me to get along with them but the girls were staring me down all day and I was determined that they did not like me. But of course later I found out that they are just very curious to know what my life is like in the US.
Man was today harder than I thought!!!! haha Fortunately I have my friends that I knew from before: Laurenz, Moritz, and Maxi to help me. Without the boys I think I would not be able to go to school. I have WAY more classes than I have ever had in my life!!! But I like that the classes are shorter and that I get out of school at 12 or 1:30 on most days.. My class is 6d! and thats the class to be!! haha I like my class. The kids in my class are all one year younger than me but it is because I am deffinetly not at my grade level here. All in all it was a great day!!!
as soon as I walked through the door from school
Towards the end of school I was tired and Hungry! It was hard to follow the lessons because the teachers talk way to fast! As soon as school was out I found Antonia and we went straight home to see Vincent and Ilse (our nanny) and ate!!!! I took a small nap with Vincent and then it was off to the store to by school supplies. Tomorrow hopefully will hold a whole bunch of energy and slower lessons:)

Apologies and Updates

My Apology:
Dear Followers,
I am truly sorry for not keeping you updated on my status and taking so long to post. But now I am back and ready to post.

Updating you Followers
This post is to update you guys on what I have done here in Austria....

Wow where to begin?
     Well for starters.....
      I went to a Language course for 2 weeks, met many other exchange students here in Austria. That course was great fun, Everyday we went to the lake to have some fun in the water and get to know one another:)  I got really close to most of the Exchange students exspecially my roomates. Saying goodbye was difficult but we all knew it wouldnt be long since we will see each other.
At the Language course jumping into the Lake:)
      After the course I went to my host family in Hittisau, Austria. Hittisau is a very small village high up in the mountains. I lived with my host family for more than a week and there I knew it wasnt the place for me. The family was so nice and everything but in order to not get home sick I need to stay busy all the time and high up in the mountains of Hittisau I deffinetly was not busy. So from Hittisau I moved to my Rotary Contact,Thomas Egle,  here in Austria. Right before I went to my Language course I had the possibility to stay with Thomas and his family so I knew exactly how his family is and they are exactly what I needed.
     They have three children: The eldest Florian, he is 15 years old and goes to a boarding school in Salzburg. The girl of the family is Antonia, she 10 years old and a sweet heart. And then there is Vincent he is the 3 year old little boy who loves to play games, drool, walk around naked, kiss, hug, and be a naughty little boy. Thomas and his wife Christine are loving, fun, and are always busy with work, kids and their new house. I love to help out with the kids, their work and anything I can. I really feel welcomed into this family and I am very privaliged to be able to feel comfortable enough to call them mom, dad, sister, and brothers.

me and vincent
vincent, Mama, and Dad
Antonia and I on the tractor
me and Florian on the tractor